There is so much going on with the Trump administration that it’s hard to keep up with it all. That is by design. The daily deluge of information and chaos is designed to overwhelm you, exhaust you, and send you into a spiral of feeling helpless and hopeless.
And it’s easy to feel that way, isn’t it?
After all, it seems like a third of the country has woken up to what’s going, a third of the country has no idea of what’s really happening, and the remaining third of the United States is cheering.
For the moment, let’s leave the cheering sections on their own. We’ll deal with them later (if that’s possible).
Instead, focus on the first two groups. Since you’re reading this, you’ve awakened to the danger that the US is in. Our republic hangs in the balance as autocrats and oligarchs rush to destroy it and fight over its bones.
You may feel helpless. Maybe you’ve protested at a state capital, at a Tesla dealership or elsewhere, but it feels… insignificant. It’s not hitting the mainstream news like one would hope. The protests aren’t as big as they should be. Or maybe you haven’t protested yet, because you feel like it won’t help when you consider what we’re up against.
So here’s something you can do…
Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors. Tell them what’s going on. Even if they look at you like you’re absolutely bananas, keep telling the truth.
If you get a lot of push back, you may need to adjust your approach with certain people. Point out how the Trump’s administrations policies are directly hurting them, or will soon hurt them.
Don’t exaggerate. Don’t spread misinformation. Don’t share unverifiable information that may be disproven later. If you do these things, people will discount everything you say.
Just keep dropping the truth on people like a leaky faucet… drip, drip, drip.
Find out what the people in your life care about, and show them how those things are fragile and could be destroyed.
Maybe they care about their pocketbooks, in which case you can explain how the Trump administration policies are going to lead us into inflation and a recession if they’re not turned around.
If they care about the elderly, disabled, children, and other vulnerable populations, show them how the GOP budget aims to slash funding for SNAP and Medicaid.
If they’re worried about their social security, show them clips of the GOP talking about needing to “look at” entitlements (social security), which means they want to cut it.
If their heart aches for the people in Ukraine, tell them how Trump has pulled support and aligned with Putin.
If they care about the environment, show them how the Trump administration is rolling back environmental protections.
You get the idea. Whatever people care about on an individual basis is where you start laying the groundwork to help people wake up to what’s going on.
Imagine if you each of us talked to just ten people and woke them up to the truth, and each of those ten people talked to another ten, who talked to yet another ten people…and so on. It wouldn’t take long before the protests became huge and we could save our republic.
The bottom line here is that no one is coming to save us. We need to save ourselves. And that starts in your own house, in your own neighborhood, at work, at the coffee shop… by sharing the truth with those who are willing to listen.
How many people will you talk to today?
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