The U.S. is in Freefall: Are You Prepared?

When the system fails, what will you do? Here’s how to prepare for what’s coming…

About U.S. Freefall

Within these pages you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of collapse in your community, as well as the nation at large. However, our focus is to show you how to prepare for collapse. You’ll learn how to prepare for an autocratic government, government collapse, economic collapse, the climate crisis, civil unrest, and other issues that will greatly impact the way you live.

While the information you’re about to discover will be useful to anyone in the United States who wants to prepare for what’s coming, we have a special focus on the populations that are likely to be attacked and impacted first. This includes women, LGBTQ+, immigrants, POC and other minorities and marginalized communities.

Understanding and Preparing for Collapse

  • There is so much going on with the Trump administration that it’s hard to keep up with it all. That is by design. The daily deluge of information and chaos is designed to overwhelm you, exhaust you, and send you into a spiral of feeling helpless and hopeless. And it’s easy to feel that way,…

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